Anyway, God is so good! :) It's a pretty awesome thing to be available and used by God. what an honor.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the last couple days! God is SO good!
View from the Plane.
Psalm 97:6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory.
and my favorite picture so far!
John 3:16- God SO loved {theodore} that He gave Jesus...
Why is this my favorite picture? This is waiter I got to be with him on the GREATEST day of his life. The day he asked Jesus to come into his heart and life. :)
I woke up this morning at 6 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided, I'll just go to breakfast . So I get my breakfast (awesome, by the way) and sit down. After I eat, I open my Bible and start reading about the fruit of the Spirit. Well, after I paid, Theodore came back to my table and just started talking and lingering around my he didn't want to leave. So I said, "Theodore, i have a question for you. Have you met Jesus Christ? " (I see why I woke up at 6 for breakfast... ) He said, "No, but I want to."
I said, "He is my best friend. He came and died for me, and rose again...and moved into my heart...and He wants to move in and make His home in your heart, too."
Theodore said, "He does? I go to church every sunday, but have not asked Him in."
I asked him if he wanted to pray with me to ask Jesus to come and fill his life.
He said, with tears in his eyes...Yes!
And then he said, "will you please write what we just did down? I will put it in my pocket and remember everyday!" So I explained what we did and what happened. He said, "This is the greatest day of my life! "
God is TRULY good.
Theodore is loved unconditionally by our great Father. He'd leave the 99 for the 1.
So can we.
Look at this day of Harvest!
to GOD be the Glory.
Jen ♥
It is so great to read abot the next generation of the Copeland family. May you walk in the heritage of your grandparents.
Friend of the ministry from norway.
Thank you, Jenny, for sharing that testimony about Theodore! You and God have truly made my day today and it isn't even 8:30 am yet!! Praise God for His great love for all of us! His mercies and love are new every morning!
Have a great time in Australia!
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