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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Every detail...

So here is my first blog. 

Time to get the creative juices flowing here, people. 

props to racheal metzger and pastor derek turner for inspiring me to start one of these. 

ok, here goes.

The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. 
psalm 27:23 (nlt)

I constantly think about the goodness of God...I really have noticed in so many ways, especially lately.

I have seen his goodness in major areas of my life...His faithfulness to being a daddy who loves and provides, A friend who is the closest to my heart and a Creator who is continually creating depth and dreams in me.

He has done all these huge things and more...but you know what I also have noticed...the little things he does for me. Like the front row parking spot at Whole Foods today...or the way I didn't have to drive one bit today and I am sitting in my mom's room in Texas, when a few hours earlier I was sitting in my room in Branson...or How he has put people in my life that He knew would be my life friends, my heart friends. 

See..Every detail. And He Delights in those little details. 

It puts some more light on the scripture " In ALL your ways acknowledge (recognize) Him, and He will direct your path." 

That sunshine today..yeah..that was just my Lord delighting in a little detail in our lives...
may we never forget to thank Him and acknowledge for the little things...

If He earnestly delights in little details..just imagine the Big details.

Oh How I love Him. 
He never ceases to surprise me. 
tiny detail in my life: i like surprises.

love love love.


BranchPastor said...

Way to go Jenny. God delights in you and so do we. Keep it up! I added you to my blog links and will come back to hear what you have to say.


Anna said...

This is a neat blog, you have some really neat perspectives