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Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Gospel according to...Horton the Elephant?

Last night, I went to Seussical the musical from Lake Country. 

I learned a great deal from Dr. Seuss...
You must always be faithful, there is no excuse. 
Even when the conditions weren't the best..
Horton the Elephant stayed on that nest...

Ok. Too much Dr. Seuss...But really, Everyone can learn a lesson from Horton the Elephant. 

He found the Who's on a speck of dust, and was determined to  keep them safe, and be their matter what people said about Him.

When Maisy said she'd be back in one afternoon and actually never came back...Horton remained on the egg...

In rain, and snow, and ice, Horton stayed put...

Even though other people did not keep their word, Horton was true to them.


Proverbs 20:6-
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

How many times have we told someone we will do something...and our word falls through? As I watched Horton the Elephant sit on that egg JUST because He told Maisy he would, I was reminded of the faithfulness of God. He is always there. He is always on time. He is true to His word. 
He has called us to be faithful. Faithful in relationships. Faithful in Ministry and to the Gospel. 

Would you drive 8 hours because you told someone you'd be somewhere...
or would you think it was too out of the way to get there? Or maybe you just didn't feel like it.

Jesus never held back when something was difficult to do...or inconvenient for Him.
Because of His love, Inconvenience turned into a miracle. 

Think about Jesus walking all the way to Jairus' home to lay hands on his daughter to see her raised to life again...
What do you think he was originally on His way to do? 
But he was faithful to His word to heal her...

So be like Horton the Elephant and remain on that "nest"...

Be  the fiercely loyal minority. Swim the oceans for someone, just because you are faithful. Go out of your way...because you are faithful. 

1 comment:

BranchPastor said...

Good one Jenny!

Love ya!