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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

God is movin'. i'll go with Him.

This is quite the eventful summer. And God has planned it all!
First event:
 Superkid Camp 2008: Extraordinary.  These
 kids realized the kingdom of God was not a lot of talk, but it is living by God's power (1 cor.4:20 {nlt}). They lived and abided in the presence of God the whole week. Signs and wonders, healings and miracles happened through the hands of age 6-12 year olds by the power of God. 
The awesome campers & staff:

Event 2: 
Just got back from West Coast Convention where our theme was Raise your Voice.  So many kids had an appointment with their God, where He raised His voice in their lives. 
WCBC superkid staff:

I'll find some more pictures from west coast. :)

Upcoming Event:
my mother is getting married in 3 days! Pictures to come. :)

Life is good. love it. 


1 comment:

Kari said...

thanks for your comment - new babies are always an adventure. It's nice to see someone I know on here. Couple things. Love your new hair (just got mine all cut off in April) and how exciting for your mom! This is the year for family weddings - how wonderful. Blessed beyond measure, right? Thanks for adding me to your list. You are my sole friend on mine right now :o)

Have a great week and enjoy your mom's wedding!