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Monday, July 28, 2008


(painting by Jack Vettriano)

As I sat on my newlywed sister's couch the other day, I began looking in a photobook that contained letters from family and friends, blessing them, giving marital advice and more. The first letter in the book was from my mother.
If you knew my mother you would know the amazing, strong woman of God she is. Even if you don't know my mother personally, you can still see the Love and strength of God through her. The strength and peace that passes all understanding. & her beauty. Not merely physical beauty (even though she is the most gorgeous woman I know)...but even deeper and of more's the glory and beauty that only comes from the Lord. 
And every single circumstance she has gone through, she has done it with that strength she gets by spending time with her Creator, her best friend. 
Back to the story: I found the letter my mom had written Rachel and she began to write about marriage and the joy that was ahead. And then she wrote....

"Even an argument is nothing but a chance to grow and learn....See it all through God's eyes who sees the beautiful end from the beautiful beginning...and the beautiful journey in the middle."


We should begin to see our lives through the eyes of our awesome God. 
oh the Master Plan.

What a beautiful beginning He creates. What a beautiful destination that lies ahead. and What a beautiful journey God has for us, every step of the way. 

by the way, this little detail happened in my dear mother's journey: she was married to the man of her dreams who treats her as his princess on Friday, July 18, 2008.

What a beautiful life.


Kari said...

beautiful, jenny. oh, the joy in His master plan. it's unending.

BranchPastor said...

I agree... your Mom is a beauty inside and out! You are too, Jenny. Thanks for doing BCA chapel. I posted about it @