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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tori is married!

My trip to Charlotte was amazing. Too quick, but amazing nonetheless!
I met amazing people and saw some people that are so dear to my heart.

 I love how the Lord spreads people out...and it makes you realize this...
 Friendship and love have no distance.  

But the most important thing of the trip...Tori and Grayson are married (and the wedding was absolutely gorgeous!) 

Days of Refreshing are this week at the church, and it is so refreshing. Brother Keith spoke every morning and night, Monday through Wednesday morning. Ms Billye is the rest of the week. It's been amazing. 
Speaking at Superkids tonight...about the presence of God. 

Romans 13:14 - 
 Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.

I beileve that is the reason that Peter could just walk past someone and they would be healed. He was clothed with the Presence of Christ. How do you become clothed with that? By spending time in the Presence of will rub off on you. It is by abiding in your source of life (John 15) . 
Will you be recognized as someone who has been with Jesus? 
Acts 4:13b-
  They also recognized {peter & john} as men who had been with Jesus.

Wow. I think Peter was on to something. After he denied Jesus I think He realized the truth He denied and never took it lightly again. He realized it was something precious. Something to be valued. 

Definition of presence- 
attendance or company
immediate vicinity; proximity

Oh, How great is our Lord who chooses to be near us. immediate vicinity. immediate nearness. 
I'm so thankful for that. He is always here.

Psalm 73:28:
But as for me, how good it is to be near God!I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.



BranchPastor said...

Great pic of Tori! We were so glad to see you here in Charlotte.

Maurisa Beaver said...

Hi Jenny- It is Maurisa, the wedding designer from Tori's wedding. I was looking back over past posts from Derek and found you. The pic you posted is the first pic I have seen from that night. It brings back great memories. I am so glad to have met you. Derek too encouraged me to start a blog., he actually wrote the first 2 and I finally posted a third from Tori's shower. I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures. It is my business website for now but I intend on keeping it current- weekly at the least with wedding and party tips and info to try and get some traffic. OK way long comment- more like an email
hope you don't mind- again great to meet you!