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Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like...Christmas?

Branson is an exciting place.
So exciting that Christmas comes in October! I was driving today and saw the HUGE tree in Branson Landing, and I also passed people putting up Christmas wreaths.  Even before you can start thinking about the turkey & dressing you are going to down in about 28 days and counting....There are already Christmas trees and lights up in Branson. This is the place where you can  put your order in with Santa a month early. 

For some reason, I am wanting to listen to "Jingle Bells" and play in the snow in a cheesy Christmas Sweater. 

Merry Christmas!


Meg said...

i love love love Christmas !!

Steve said...

It's never too early for Christmas music - I started listening three weeks ago - I live in Buffalo NY so the cheezy Christmas sweaters come out in August

AmandaINBrooklyn said...

christmas is already here in nyc too! haha. everywhere.. i LOVE it. they have a station here that plays ONLY christmas music startin in october.. its exciting! i miss you!!

Kari said...

Would you like some hot coffee after frolicking in the snow? :o)

Christine.loves... said...

Haha, you should be used to it...reminds me of your mom's house. Kitchen and most of living room are already done.

Yeah, I LOVE Christmas!!!

I love you Jen.

jacquelineolivia said...

Yay! It's Christmas!!