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Monday, October 26, 2009

The King lives here.

You just got the call.

The King is coming over to visit you at your house.
"Why would He visit my house when He could just stay in His Kingdom with servants and maids?"
Once the shock settles down, you take a survey of the state of your house.
Your living room is unorganized. Your kitchen's a mess. Every room has hidden messes...random things stuffed in the closet... but surely the king won't look there.
So you begin to clean. Not just surface clean, but deep clean.
You hide the dishes from Target and you put out the fine china.
I mean, it's the King who is coming. He deserves honor, respect. He deserves the best.
After hours of scrubbing and cleaning, everything is finally immaculate.
Your house is prepared for the King.

Ten minutes until the King arrives and tons of thoughts are filling your head.
"Why would he come here? What would make him want to be here?"
Knowing that the only way you could receive the answer is by finding out from the King Himself, you stop thinking and start doing one more look around the house.

You hear a knock at the door and your heart jumps.

The King is here.

You greet Him.
He smiles.

You invite Him in, still wondering why He would want to have dinner with you.

Over the fine dinner you prepared, you smile as you glance over the house you had prepared for Him too.
The King asks you a question: "Can I stay here? "

Did the King really just ask that? Here?
Why would He stay here, instead of His fine Kingdom?
"Why would you want to stay here when you could live in a perfect place? Where you could be served? "

This was His answer to me: " I am here and became King, not to be served, but to serve. The place where I live is already perfect. There is no need there. I ask of you to accept my invitation, so that as I dwell here, I can make it better. I will bring the finest things of my Kingdom and bring them into this house. My china, My furniture. I will make additions to your house. It will be just like my this house. "

"What an honor that you would not only come to visit, but actually live in my house. But I have a confession to make. It's not perfectly clean. There are some corners and closets that I have hid junk. I don't think you'd want to live here. "

"When I come to live here, I will clean that out. Thank you for revealing that to me. I will begin there. "

The biggest smile came across my face...

The KING lives here...


Isn't this what Jesus, the King of Kings, does for us? We are His temple. His dwelling place. He didn't come just to VISIT but to Stay.

How often do we hide things? Acting as though He is just coming for a short visit and won't see the things that are shameful, or things we need to work on and clear out.

But that's what He came to do. He came to fill the most precious parts of who we are, with Himself.

It is obvious when the King dwells in a place. It is better than it was before. Adding on to who you currently you find your REAL life which is hidden in Him (colossians 3:3 )

That's what He longs to do in your heart...and He will if you allow Him.

Read this scripture, keeping in mind that you are His temple:
Isaiah 6:1 (amplified)
...{in a vision} I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the skirts of His train filled the {most holy part of the} temple.

He wants to fill the most holy part of you with Himself. That happens when He is high and lifted up in your heart.


Colossians 3:16 says, "Let the word {spoken by} Christ (the Messiah) have its home {in your hearts and minds} and dwell in you in {all its} richness..."

We are His Holy Habitation.

The King lives here.

1 comment:

Kari said...

I know chills are nothing to go by, but I think those, "Ooooh, I like what I'm reading and what it means and Oh I think I get it" chills are great. When I got to the part about "I've hid junk in the corners...." "That's okay, I'll clean those out..." Awesome - I knew it meant me personally (then you told me it did). He loves us so much. Why wouldn't we want The King to live in us?